
Are you still paying maintenance and All Inclusive fees every time you travel?

Discover how many of our members are traveling for free.

Call today from:
USA / CANADA: 1-800-961-6024
MÉXICO: 01 800 262 9496
ARGENTINA: 0 800 666 3379
COLOMBIA: 01 800 710 2174
CHILE: 22 938 1514
PERU: 1 708 6878
BRAZIL: 4 003 5607
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO: 1 800 206 3674
UK: +0 800 047 0967
REST OF THE WORLD: +52 998 287 4101


Publication By Sunset World
Previous Articles
Always win with SHARE!

SHARE is the favorite referral program of Club Sunset and Club Hacienda Tres Ríos members with many years of experience creating bonds of friendship and trust. Our aim is to reward our members with unique amenities and services for having deposited their trust in us.

Our SHARE referral program is easy and exciting. Just recommend us to your family and friends and provide their contact information to us. We will invite them to experience a wonderful vacation at unparalleled prices, without date restrictions, airport-hotel-airport transportation, All Inclusive Plan and additional bonuses for tours and services.

As a member, the more referrals you accumulate, more benefits you obtain: $100 USD per referral who travels to Sunset World, $600 USD per referral who buys a membership. If you get the highest number of referrals to join our Vacation Club throughout the year you will win $3,000 USD! and a weekend at Hacienda Tres Ríos (including accommodation, food and beverages for 4 people). If your referrals take their vacation, you’ll benefit, if your referrals become members you receive even more rewards. With SHARE you are always a winner.

The accumulated benefits can be used to pay maintenance fees, prepay your All Inclusive Plan, purchase additional nights, reserve tours, rent a car, spa services and much more.

In case you have any questions please contact us at calidad1@sharesunset.com.mx or visit our web page at www.sharesunset.com.

Call any of our representatives at the following numbers. We are here to be of any assistance Monday through Friday, from 10:00 AM to 07:00 PM CST (Central Standard Time)

Mexico: 01.(800).262.9496
International: +52.(998).287.4101
USA & Canada: +1.(800).961.6024
United Kingdom: +0.(800).047.0967
Argentina: +0.(800).666.3379
Colombia: +1.(800).710.2174
Chile: +22.938.1514
Peru: +1.708.6878
Brazil: +4.003.5607
Publication By Sunset World
Congratulations to our 2014 winning member!

Ángel Adrián Arias Britez had the most referrals join our vacation club during the year and has won $3,000 USD in cash plus a weekend in Hacienda Tres Ríos (including lodging, food and drinks for 4 people). Congrats once more!

During 2014, SHARE gave away thousands of dollars in prices!

Our members who participate in the SHARE program are awarded with cash prices, maintenance fees, All Inclusive plans, additional plans, tours and car rentals. You can also be a winner; it’s as easy as 1,2,3:

1. Register your friends and family.
2. Your referrals acquire a vacation package.
3. If they travel, you win. If they become members, you win even more!

In case you have any questions please contact us at calidad1@sharesunset.com.mx or visit our web page at www.sharesunset.com.

Call any of our representatives at the following numbers. We are here to be of any assistance Monday through Friday, from 10:00 AM to 07:00 PM CST (Central Standard Time)

Mexico: 01.(800).262.9496
International: +52.(998).287.4101
USA & Canada: +1.(800).961.6024
United Kingdom: +0.(800).047.0967
Argentina: +0.(800).666.3379
Colombia: +1.(800).710.2174
Chile: +22.938.1514
Peru: +1.708.6878
Brazil: +4.003.5607
Publication By Sunset World